Press release

“Accelerating the UK’s global computing capacity” – Deloitte comments on Spring Budget technology announcements

15 March 2023

Sarah Lord, partner in Deloitte’s Global Investment & Innovation Incentives team, said: 

“With just a 1.3% share of global computing capacity and none of the world’s top 25 supercomputers on UK territory, the Chancellor’s decision to allocate significant investment towards a national AI Research Resource will act as a substantial springboard for accelerating the UK’s global computing capacity and gaining ground on other major economies, particularly in North America and Asia.

“Additional funding allocated towards a sovereign AI Task Force, a 10-year Quantum Research Strategy, as well as the ‘Manchester Prize’ for the most innovative AI research, will provide impetus for partnerships across – and also within – the private sector and academia. 

“Plans to produce a clearer regulatory framework for AI and Quantum Computing will also provide certainty for businesses operating in an increasingly uncertain landscape around data and intellectual property rights. This is a particular challenge with cross border data flows which are becoming increasingly essential to trans-national cooperation within the digital tech sector.”



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Deloitte has a range of spokespeople available to comment on today’s Spring Budget. They can be reached on 020 7007 3333 or 0207 303 5054 or one of the following numbers:

  • Ian Stewart – chief economist (07884 765 916/07436 055 437) 
  • Amanda Tickel - head of tax policy/indirect tax/business rates (07920 270 964) 
  • Rachel McEleney - personal tax (07826 891 752) 
  • Alison Lobb/Zubin Patel - corporate tax (07590 041 301) 
  • Michael Nicolaides - employment tax (07824 895 798/07795 968 483) 
  • Ed Roddis – public sector (07795 968 483) 


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