Press release
17 November 2022
Ed Roddis, head of government and public sector research at Deloitte, comments:
“The Chancellor confirmed that Whitehall budgets will be protected for the remaining two years of the current spending review period. However, government departments still need to deal with inflation eating into their spending power.
“The Statement also confirmed government plans to launch a fresh review to seek out efficiencies. Rather than looking for cuts, taking a wider view would allow government to explore more ambitious reforms, even rethinking its size, scope and structure. That could generate the necessary savings while maintaining those vital services that the state delivers for the public.”
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Deloitte spokespeople
Deloitte has a range of spokespeople available to comment on today’s Autumn Statement. They can be reached on 020 7007 3333 or 0207 303 5054 or one of the following numbers:
• Debapratim De - senior economist (07884 765916)
• Amanda Tickel - head of tax policy (07920 270 964)
• Rachel McEleney - personal tax (07826 891 752)
• Alison Lobb - corporate tax (07768 178264)
• James Warwick - employment tax (07855 399368/07436055437)
• Gareth Pritchard - indirect tax (07824895798)
• Gerry Biddle - business rates (07855 399 368)
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