Press release
29 October 2018
Nick Prior, Global Head of Infrastructure at Deloitte, comments on the Budget:
“Infrastructure has been somewhat out of the spotlight as priorities have laid elsewhere. But it is good to see the Chancellor put infrastructure front and centre in this Budget and made the clear link that investment can play a big part in reversing the UK’s weak productivity trend. The focus on roads is understandable as shovels can hit the ground, and benefits can be felt, much quicker than with bigger, more cumbersome projects.”
“However, the shock move is abolishing the use of PFI and PF2 for future projects, particularly as the government has previously heralded PF2 as a new beginning numerous times over recent years."
@DeloitteUK for live comment;
@DanielFLyons1 for Daniel Lyons, Head of Tax Policy; and
@IanStewartEcon for Ian Stewart, chief economist
Experts from Deloitte are available now and on the day of the Budget for comment. On Monday 29 October, please call the Deloitte Media hotline on 020 7007 3333, where you will be directly connected to one of our spokespeople.
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