Press release

Public sector investment in AI and technology will benefit people across the UK

15 March 2023

Ed Roddis, head of government and public sector research at Deloitte, comments on today’s Budget: 

“After decades of debate about the sustainability of public spending and the scope of the state, public sector leaders want to see big, bold choices and new thinking on how government operates. However, today the Chancellor also reiterated the need for government departments to continue identifying efficiency savings to help manage pressures from higher inflation and focus spending. 

“Our research has shown that investment in data, technology and related skills is seen by public sector leaders as particularly important to preserve and grow capacity and deliver better services for the country. 

“Placing digital at the centre of interactions with the public, with a greater shift to online self-service and harnessing technologies like generative AI, will be key to driving the reform that is needed to create a more effective and efficient state.”



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Deloitte spokespeople

Deloitte has a range of spokespeople available to comment on today’s Spring Budget. They can be reached on 020 7007 3333 or 0207 303 5054 or one of the following numbers:

  • Ian Stewart – chief economist (07884 765 916/ 07436 055 437) 
  • Amanda Tickel - head of tax policy/indirect tax/business rates (07920 270 964) 
  • Rachel McEleney - personal tax (07826 891 752) 
  • Alison Lobb/Zubin Patel - corporate tax (07590 041 301) 
  • Michael Nicolaides - employment tax (07824 895 798/07795 968 483) 
  • Ed Roddis – public sector (07795 968 483)


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