Global Indirect Tax News

A monthly newsletter covering VAT, goods and services tax, sales tax issues, and global trade issues around the globe


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Global: Deloitte 2024 Global Tax Policy survey
Deloitte has surveyed more than 1,000 tax and finance executives for the 2024 Global Tax Policy Survey, to understand the impact that five key themes are having on shaping the changing global tax landscape, and their ranking in the eyes of industry leaders.

Brazil: Draft legislation on VAT reform
Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies approved draft legislation to further regulate the VAT reform passed in December 2023. Under the reform, a dual VAT will be implemented from 2026, with a federal VAT and a state and municipal VAT, and a new federal excise tax.

China: VAT and voluntary carbon market
The hearing on China’s first VAT-related case concerning sales of China Certified Emission Reductions commenced on 3 June 2024. The case is to determine whether a seller of CCERs has any obligation to issue VAT special invoices to the buyer.

United Arab Emirates: Voluntary disclosure program
Dubai Customs has provided a framework of the voluntary disclosure program, to encourage importers and exporters to disclose unintentional errors or violations committed during customs procedures, and potentially benefit from waivers of customs fines.

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