Highlights of US final and proposed regulations under section 987 and related rules
A new frontier of transparency for private groups
Expanded local file requires new international tax disclosures
Arm’s length principle applies to transactions with nonresident head office
Deadline extended for comments on toolkit regarding ring-fencing of mining income
Domestic minimum tax of 15% implemented as from 1 January 2025
United Kingdom
Overview of Pillar Two registration requirements
United States
Corporate alternative minimum tax proposed regulations: Technical corrections
IRS finalizes Form 1099-DA and instructions
Tax treaty round up
Recent developments with respect to the following tax treaties: Andorra-Romania, Armenia-Japan, Bahrain-United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh-Hong Kong SAR, Belarus-Germany, Belarus-Lithuania, Belarus-United States, Croatia-Liechtenstein, Gabon-Türkiye, Kyrgyzstan-Slovakia, and Sierra Leone-United Arab Emirates, plus an update on certain bilateral tax treaties and protocols that are in effect (or were terminated) as from 1 January 2025 with respect to their provisions on withholding taxes.
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